Italian Property

Unmodernised Italian Properties

Italian Property Restoration and how to restore Italian Property.

Italian Construction and restoration

Haven't you found the one yet? That perfect Italian property that you have been dreaming of for years? Plenty of restored farmhouses in Tuscany and Umbria to choose from, but nothing that feels quite right for you? Why would you pay for someone else's choices when they are not to your taste and would be costly to undo? 

Purchasing un-modernised Italian Real Estate would mean that you could select a layout to suit your lifestyle and choose the fixtures and fittings that you prefer. As well as a selection of luxury real estate for sale in Italy, Abode also has a number of un-modernised properties to restore in Tuscany and Umbria. Italian ruins requiring a total rebuild or farmhouses in Tuscany and Umbria that are in need of complete renovation or updating. 

Whatever is necessary, the restoration department of Abode can assist you with your Italian restoration project and transform that abandoned Italian villa, that neglected Umbrian farmhouse or that regal but uninhabitable Tuscan palazzo into the property of your dreams.