Italian Property For Sale

News Flash 08.10.2020. New COVID-19 rules come into force today throughout Italy

Published: 08/10/2020 By The Abode Team

New COVID-19 rules come into force today throughout Italy.

New laws will today (8th October 2020) come into effect and will potentially last for 30 days. Everyone must have a face mask and face masks must be worn outside at all times. Obviously if you’re in the middle of the Tuscan or Umbrian countryside walking the dog or in an isolated location, i.e. no one else around,  you probably don’t have to wear it. But the fine can be up to €1,000, so don’t forget your mask!

Sports are exempt but if you stand up in a restaurant you must put you mask back on. Basically, if you go out you must wear a mask. Can you please also wear your mask over your nose as well. In fact there is absolutely no point wearing a face mask that’s not covering you noise and mouth! We are all in this together and I must say Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti and the Italian people have been amazing.

Also from today everyone arriving in Italy from the UK, Belgium, France, Spain and other countries will now need a coronavirus negative test and that test must be registered. Here’s the link. You can travel to Italy without the test but you must take the test within 48 hours and once tested you MUST isolate until you get your results. We expect testing centres will be setup at airports and ports across Italy but we highly recommend you find out how and where you can get a test before you travel.

Remember in Italy there’s a  1 metre rule.  

Here’s a link to the new legislation.